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Home5th Standard, English LESSON 10 - MOVING PICTURES

5th Standard, English LESSON 10 – MOVING PICTURES

5th Standard, English LESSON – 10


Glossary :

tycoon : a powerful businessman

breeder : one who keeps (animals) for the purpose of breeding animals

galloping : moving swiftly

hooves : the horny covering encasing the foot in certain animals, as the horse and ox.

hired : paid for services

capture : catch

eccentric : abnormal

sustained : suffered

acquitted : declared innocent

emigrate : move from one country to another to reside there

Comprehension :

I. Answer the following questions in a sentence or two each.

1. What was Stanford’s contention of a galloping horse?

Answer: Stanford had an argument over whether a galloping horse ever has all four hooves off the ground or not. Stanford believed that hooves of horses sometimes left the ground completely. So Stanford hired an English photographer named Edward Maybridge with the intention of capturing the truth on a photographic plate.

2. What was “the truth” that Stanford wanted to capture on a photographic plate?

Answer: Experts and artists alike agreed that the hooves of horses always kept at least some contact with the ground. Stanford believed that hooves of horses sometimes left the ground completely. So Stanford hired an English photographer named Edward Maybridge with the intention of capturing the truth on a photographic plate.

3. Why did Maybridge set up a battery of sixteen cameras parallel to the race track?

Answer: Maybridge set up a battery of 16 cameras parallel to a race track in Sacramento with each camera’s shutter connected to a wire stretched across the race track. As the horse galloped past, its legs tipped the shutters in an order, creating a series of photographs, showing the portion of the horse at each instant. He wanted to prove that hooves of horses sometimes left the ground completely.

4. Who helped Stanford to prove himself right?

Answer: English photographer named Edward Maybridge helped Stanford to prove himself right. The horses sometimes left the all four hooves off the ground.

5. What was the special feature of the lightweight camera?

Answer: The special feature of the lightweight camera was, light weight camera and projection systems capable of making movies that could be viewed by an audience.

II. Read the extracts and answer the questions that follow.

1. ‘‘He had to wait five years for an answer.”

a. Who does “he” refer to?

Answer: The word “he” refers to ‘Sanford’.

b. What “answer” was he waiting for?

Answer: The “answer” was he waiting for was galloping horses sometimes left the ground completely.

c. Why had he to wait five years?

Answer:  He had to wait for five years because Maybridge was an eccentric because of serious head injuries sustained in a stage-coach accident. In 1875, after being tried and acquitted of the murder of an individual, he stayed in central America for a short while. He returned in 1875.

2. ‘‘They gave the first demonstration of their cinematograph system.”

a. Who does “they” refer to?

Answer: The word “they” refers to French photographic materials manufacturer Antoine Lumiere and his sons.

b. When was the first demonstration given?

Answer: The first demonstration given in March 1895.

c. What is a cinematograph system?

Answer: Cinematograph system is a light weight camera and projection systems capable of making movies that could be viewed by an audience.

III. Say whether the following statements are True or False.

  1. Stanford was a racehorse jockey.

Answer: False

2. Experts and artists agreed that hooves of horses always kept some contact with the ground.

Answer: True

3. The images proved all of them wrong.

Answer: True

4. Stanford believed that sometimes the hooves of horses don’t have any contact with the ground.

Answer: True

5. Thomas Edison and his assistant invented the Kinetograph.

Answer: True

Language exercise

I. Vocabulary

One word substitution (look into the dictionary for help):

Ingenious, Encyclopedia, Portrait, Biosphere, Eccentric

1. Part of the earth where life is found – Biosphere

2. A person with strange habits – Eccentric

3. A book giving information on all branches of knowledge – Encyclopedia

4. A painting, drawing or photograph of a person especially of the head and shoulders – Portrait

5. Skillful in inventing – Ingenious



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