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Home7th English, Prose Unit 7 - A Tribute to Netaji

7th English, Prose Unit 7 – A Tribute to Netaji

7th English, Prose Unit 7

A Tribute to Netaji

Glossary :

unique : being the only one of its type, unusual.

brute : cruel or strong.

fervour : spirit.

Prosperous: successful and rich.

perspective : a view.

quest : an attempt to find something, a lone search.

sphere : an area of interest.

look upon : consider.

renounce : give up.

rebellious : disobedient and hard to control.

apparent : seen or understood.

conscience : moral sense.

alien : a foreigner.

mentor : trusted adviser.

impact : profound effect.

urge : advise, advocate.

ultimatum : final warning.

surveillance : a close watch kept on someone.

allegiance : loyalty, faith.

retreat : move back.

tribulation : misery, trouble.

immense : great.

legend : an old story about great events and people.

martyr : someone who dies for a cause.

C. Conversing:

Take turns with your partner to ask and answer the questions given below. Explain to him/her why you think your answer is correct. Quote from the text if necessary. Write down your answers.

  1. How does Subhas’ uniqueness come out in his struggle for freedom? How does he differ from other national leaders? Give two examples.

Answer: In the history of India’s freedom struggle, the place of Subhas Chandra Bose is unique. He was the leader who thought of fighting the brute force of the British by armed force. He had a wonderful organizing capacity. He could raise a modern army of about 75,000 men and women. He inspired them with intense patriotic fervour and a burning desire to free their enslaved motherland.

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi and Subhas Chandra Bose. Each led us in his own way. Bose asked Indians to give him their blood, and he would give them freedom. Gandhi promised freedom without violence. That is how he differ from other national leaders like Gandhi ji and others.

2. Subhas was a wonderful organiser. Give three examples for this.

Answer: Subhas was a wonderful organiser. He had a wonderful organizing capacity. He could raise a modern army of about 75,000 men and women. In the Presidency College, Calcutta, he organised a students’ strike to demonstrate against an English Professor who had insultingly pushed away an Indian student. He travelled throughout the country to organize public opinion against the war effort. Subhas went to South-East Asia and organised the Indian National Army (I.N.A.) to fight against the British. The Indian soldiers and civilians at once declared their allegiance to him and began to call him “Netaji.”

3. Subhas was an inspirational figure. Give three examples for this.

Answer: Indian people were joined the Indian National Army in thousands. Women also joined All-Women Army. He was the leader who thought of fighting the brute force of the British by armed force. He could raise a modern army of about 75,000 men and women. He inspired them with intense patriotic fervour and a burning desire to free their enslaved motherland. The Indian soldiers and civilians at once declared their allegiance to him and began to call him “Netaji.” He gave them the inspiring call of “Jai Hind” and “Dilli Chalo.” He was a doer as well as a thinker, and a fighter who never submitted to defeat. In life, he was a natural leader of men, who inspired immense devotion and loyalty.

4. Subhas was broadminded and spiritual. He worked for national integration and he was a man of vision. Give examples.

Answer: Subhas Chandra Bose, demonstrated his broadmindedness and spiritual nature by actively working towards national integration, respecting diverse religious communities, following the teachings of Swami Vivekananda, and advocating for a unified India where caste and religious differences were not barriers, all while pursuing a vision for a free and independent India through revolutionary means. Subhas was broad-minded and looked at India from an international perspective. Subhas actively reached out to Muslim leaders and communities, emphasizing the importance of Hindu-Muslim unity in the freedom struggle. He actively encouraged dialogue and understanding between different religious communities, believing that national unity could only be achieved by embracing diversity.

5. Give an account of the sacrifices Subhas’ made.

Answer:  Subhas promised his take up the ICS examination, and after a year he came out passing in merit. But his conscience did not allow him to serve the alien rulers even as a height executive he resigned the job to sacrifice his life to serve the motherland. He resigned to join Gandhiji’s call of Non-Cooperation. He resigned from the ICS and gave up his job to lead a life of trials and tribulations  and returned to India. Bose went on hunger strike to protest against the ill-treatment of prisoners. These are all the sacrifices if Subhas Chandra Bose.

6. Give an account of Subha’s adventurous life.

Answer; Subhash Chandra Bose asked Indians to give him their blood, and he would give them freedom. He was the leader who thought of fighting the brute force of the British by armed force. He had a wonderful organizing capacity. He could raise a modern army of about 75,000 men and women. In the Presidency College, Calcutta, he organised a students’ strike to demonstrate against an English Professor who had insultingly pushed away an Indian student. He appear at the Indian Civil Service (ICS) examination. After a year, he came out successfully and stood fourth in the order of merit. But his conscience would not allow him to serve the alien rulers even as a high executive. So, he resigned from the ICS and returned to India. Bose settled down as principal of National College at Calcutta. But, Bose gave up his job when Gandhiji started the Non-Cooperation Movement. After his release from the jail, Bose formed the “Swaraj Party” and was appointed the editor of the party’s journal “Forward”. Bose became the Executive Officer of the Calcutta Corporation in 1924 and gained valuable experience of planning and practical administration. Subhas made such an impact on the Congress that he was elected twice as the President of the Indian National Congress in 1938 and 1939. Subhas went to South-East Asia and organised the Indian National Army (I.N.A.) to fight against the British. The Indian soldiers and civilians at once declared their allegiance to him and began to call him “Netaji.” He gave them the inspiring call of “Jai Hind” and “Dilli Chalo.”

7. Subhas worked in many different fields – administration, journalism, education, statesmanship and war. Give examples.

Answer: Subhas Chandra Bose worked in many different fields.

Administrative: He had a wonderful organizing capacity. He could raise a modern army of about 75,000 men and women. appear at the Indian Civil Service (ICS) examination. After a year, he came out successfully and stood fourth in the order of merit. Subhas was elected twice as the President of the Indian National Congress in 1938 and 1939. He worked as principal of National College at Calcutta.

Journalism: After his release Bose formed the “Swaraj Party” and was appointed the editor of the party’s journal “Forward”. Bose became the Executive Officer of the Calcutta Corporation in 1924 and gained valuable experience of planning and practical administration.

Education: Bose appear at the Indian Civil Service (ICS) examination. After a year, he came out successfully and stood fourth in the order of merit. He worked as principal of National College at Calcutta.

Statesmanship: Bose was the President of the All India Youth Congress in 1923 and the Secretary of Bengal State Congress.

War: In 1943, Bose proclaimed the formation of the Provisional Government of Free India and declared war on Britain and the United States. He also re-organized the Azad Hind Fauj (Indian National Army) with help from the Japanese.

D. Word Formation

a. Write three verbs and make the verbs adjectives by using the suffix “-able.”

Example : eat – eatable.

b. Make six sentences using the verbs and the adjectives you have written.

Example : We gave the fruit to the monkey. The monkey ate the fruit. So we thought the fruit was eatable.

  1. Move – moveable – He is trying to move the vehicle. The vehicle is moveable.
  2. Watch- Watchable – Ramesh was watch the cinema. The cinema was watchable.
  3. Walk – Walkable – Sheela is walking. That was walkable distance.
  4. Enjoy – enjoyable – She have full of enjoy while singing. Her song was enjoyable.
  5. Note – Notable – Police was noted the thief. The crime of thief was notable.



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