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10th Standard Karnataka, Social/History Chapter 20 – WORLD WARS AND INDIA’S ROLE

10th Standard Karnataka, Social/History Chapter – 20
I Fill in the blanks with suitable words:

  1. World War I ended in the year 1918.
  2. Versailles Pact was signed in the year 1919.
  3. Fascist dictator was Mussolini .
  4. The leader of the Nazi Party in Germany was Hitler.
  5. World War II started in the year 1939.
  6. Japan attacked the American Naval Centre at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.
  7. As the head of Mysore Lancers Rejimentdar B. Chamaraja Urs was sent to the war field.

II Discuss the following in groups and answer them:

  1. Explain the immediate cause for World War I.
    Answer: The immediate reason for the war was the assassination of the Austrian prince, Archduke Franz Ferdinand on 28th July. This incident created a rift between Austria and Serbia.

  1. ‘Nazi ideology destroyed Germany’. Justify this statement.
    Answer: The Nazi administration murdered or deported millions of Jews and Slavs, and targeted other groups, including the mentally and physically disabled, Romani people, homosexuals, and Jehovah’s Witnesses. The Nazis established a police state where individuals could be arrested and imprisoned without reason. The Nazis persecuted and oppressed Jews, and eventually deported and murdered them. Hitler thought that Only Germans are eligible to rule the world. All other communities are eligible only to be ruled. Jews are responsible for all the problems of Germans. As per an estimate, he was responsible for the death of 6 million Jews and over a crore of other civilians. The ambition to win the entire world and popularize the Aryan race was one of the reasons for the World War II. The chapter of Hitler’s racial hatred ended with his death.

  1. What were the causes for World War II?
    Answer: In Germany and other European nations, industrialists donated huge amounts to propagate nationalism. Using this resource, movements of hatred and arrogance became active. People like Hitler in Germany and Mussolini in Italy, came to power. In East Asia, Japan with an intention to expand its empire, was attacking Chinese territories. Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party wanted Germany to rule Europe. On September 1, 1939, German troops invaded Poland, which led to Britain and France declaring war on Germany. This was the one of the main reason for World War II.

  1. Name the Commandants of Mysore Lancers.
    Answer: Some of the important commandants of Mysore Lancers were A.T. Tyagaraj, A. Lingaraja Urs, Subbaraja Urs, B.P. Krishne Urs, Mir Turab Ali, Sardar Bahadur, B. Chamaraja Urs and regimentdar B. Chamaraja Urs and Col. J. Desiraja Urs.

  1. What were the results of the World War II?
    Answer: World War II had many consequences, including massive death and destruction, economic devastation, and the emergence of new geopolitical power blocs. At least 60 million people died, which was about 3% of the world’s population in 1939. The World War II resulted in many political changes all over the world. Many countries which were under the hold of England became independent. In the world war II, civilians and soldiers put together, about 4,82,00,000 people lost their lives.

  1. Where is Tin murti chowk?
    Answer: Tin murti chowk is in New Delhi, India.
  2. How did Britain utilise the resources of India during the World War II?
    Answer: Britain used India’s resources in many ways during World War II, including manpower, raw materials, financial support, and industrial production. England utilised the agrarian products and industrial goods for the war. Thus quantitative and Qualitative development of weapons somewhat raised the readiness of the Indian troops during the latter part of the II world war.

III Activities :

  1. Collect the information on the impact of the wars on the human generation.
    Answer: There are many losses like human life, wealth, money, health will occur in wars. Wars have a devastating impact on human generations, causing direct loss of life, widespread physical injuries, psychological trauma, displacement, economic hardship, and disruption of social structures, with lasting effects on families and communities that can span multiple generations; children are particularly vulnerable to the long-term consequences of war, including developmental issues and mental health problems. The most immediate impact is the loss of lives among soldiers and civilians, leading to grief and family breakdown. War destroys infrastructure, disrupts economic activity, and leads to shortages of essential goods, causing widespread poverty. Communities can be fractured by war, leading to mistrust, social unrest, and breakdown of traditional social structures.

  1. With the help of internet and newspapers, collect information and write an essay on the attempts being made by India, along with other nations, in order to establish peace at the global level.
    Answer: India leverages its rich cultural heritage and philosophy of “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam” (the world is one family) to foster understanding and harmony across nations. India has played a role in facilitating dialogue and negotiations to resolve regional conflicts, including in South Asia through SAARC. India has deployed troops to numerous UN peacekeeping missions across the globe. India has played a role in facilitating dialogue and negotiations to resolve regional conflicts in South Asia. India has also been contributing to the UN Peacebuilding Fund. India has been the largest troop contributor to UN missions since inception. So far India has taken part in 49 Peacekeeping missions with a total contribution exceeding 1,95,000 troops and a significant number of police personnel having been deployed. 168 Indian peacekeepers have made the supreme sacrifice while serving in UN missions. India is the second largest troop contributor to UN Peacekeeping Missions.
  2. Some more questions
  3. Which are the two triple alliances in World War I?
    Answer: The two triple alliances in World War I are.
    a. Britain, France and Russia
    b. Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy
  4. What are the effects of World War I?
    Answer: the effects of World War I are,
    The Alliance signed a humiliating Versailles treaty. Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman kingdoms lost their identity. Germany lost most of its area. The map of Europe changed drastically. Many small independent nations came into being. With the intention of preventing wars in the future, the League of Nations was established.

  1. What are the two rival groups formed in World War II?
    Answer: The two rival groups formed in World War II are,
    a. Axis Group – Germany, Italy and Japan
    b. Allies Group – Britain, France and Russia and other countries.

  1. Which country played major role in Germany’s defeat in World War II?
    Answer: In 1942, Russia defeated the German troops in the Stalingrad war. After that, in 1943, Germany faced a series of defeats. Russia played a major role in these defeats.
  2. Describe the role of India in World War I
    Answer: About 1.5 million soldiers took part in this World war from India. Apart from this, Indians helped by giving 1,72,815 animals consisting of 85,953 horses, 10,781 camels, 5,061 bullocks and 65,398 mules. 7 crores of small arms and ammunition, 6 lakhs rifles and so on. Apart from this, between 1914-18, India supplied 4,19,20,223 garments, raw materials, manganese, mica, timber, tea, rubber were also supplied.

  1. After World War II, what are the changes happened in India?
    Answer: The war ended in 1945 and resulted in many political changes all over the world. Many countries which were under the hold of England became independent. India became Indipendent in the year of 1947.



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