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Home5th Standard Karnataka English POEM 10 - ROADWAYS

5th Standard Karnataka English POEM 10 – ROADWAYS

5th Standard Karnataka English POEM – 10


Glossary :

bronzed: tanned (of skin)

forth: forwards

lures: attracts

homewards: towards home

quest of: in search of / seeking


I. Answer the following questions:

1. What do the words “heaving” and “shining” refer to?

Answer: The words “heaving” and “shining” refers to a wet road. That means on the route of sea.

2. The word “road” means a track for moving. Is the word “road” used to mean this in the poem? What are the other possible meanings of the word?

Answer: The other possible meanings of the word ‘road’ in this poem was ‘the way what we have to achieve in our life’.

3. Is the poem an expression of the poet’s liking for a journey by sea?

Answer: Yes, The poem an expression of the poet’s liking for a journey by sea. The Poet likes the journey on sea.

4. What is the significance of all the “directions” in the poem?

Answer: The significance of the use of all the directions like North, east, south and west is than man should be ready to travel in all the directions in his life. He should be courageous in quest of knowledge and the purpose for achieve something special in here on the earth.

5. Why does the poet say the road that leads to shipping, is the right road for him?

Answer: The poet say the road that leads to shipping, is the right road for him because he thinks a road without earth’s road-dust

is the right road for him. 

6. “In quest of that one beauty God put me here to fail.”  What does “that one beauty” refer to?

Answer: “That one beauty” refers to the motive to achieve something in our life.

7. How is the poet’s road different from the road of the other men?

Answer: The road of other men leads to their house. The poet’s road is different as it leads him in various directions like north, south, east and west in order to find the motive to achieve something in his life,

8. Why is the wind described as salt sea wind?

Answer: The wind is described as salt sea wind because wind over the salty sea is blowing and it leads to salt spray in poet’s eyes.

9. Describe the road that the poet would like to take. Example: bronzed sailors go.

Answer: The poet say the road that leads to shipping, is the right road for him because he thinks a road without earth’s road-dust is the right road for him.  It is a wet road to all directions like north, south, east and west in order to find the motive to achieve something in his life.

10. Why do you think the poet wants to sail all the time?

Answer: The poet wants to sail all the time because god has sent him to search for that one beauty means the motive to achieve more of life.

11. Do you think the poet loves travelling? Justify your answer.

Answer: Yes, The poet loves travelling because he has an inner urge to explore new places and gain new experiences. He observes what he sees with an open mind and closely explores everything. 



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